
Author name: Michael Osborne

Is there a Simple Blood Test to Screen for Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder?

Isn’t there a Simple Blood Test to Screen for Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder? Well, there is a blood test, and you get it without a doctor! LET’S STOP PLAYING ROULETTE WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER You would think that with millions of people afflicted with a major disabling disease that we would have a simple test to tell […]

Is there a Simple Blood Test to Screen for Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder? Read More »

What Is The Best Treatment For Manic Depression aka Bipolar Disorder?

What Is The Best Treatment For Manic Depression aka Bipolar Disorder? Manic Depression is the ‘old fashioned’ way of naming Bipolar Disorder, yet is so much more descriptive.   Yes, when we say ‘bipolar’ we remember that people swing between polar opposite emotions. But ‘manic’ is the perfect word for the frenetic high people get,

What Is The Best Treatment For Manic Depression aka Bipolar Disorder? Read More »

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