
Join Michael Rose M.A. as he dives into DHA and
How to find the right Omega 3 formula for you!

It’s always tempting to try natural alternatives on your own, but don’t. More and more clients we are learning that the right Omega-3 formula has to be used for ones individual situation, otherwise, it can backfires.

It’s worse to try something natural and have it not work because it was the wrong formula, the wrong brand, or the wrong dose. Especially when the right one could have changed your life completely!
There are Omega-3 supplements with double the amount of DHA compared to EPA, and some with double the EPA to DHA, and some just pure DHA or EPA. And then there’s Omega-6 which is really tricky to use, but sometimes essential to balance the Omega-3. 

Michael Rose M.A.

Michael Rose is a Somatic Psychologist and licensed nutritionist who has working on his Bipolar recovery for over 50 years. His bestselling book Bipolar Wellness: How to Recover from Bipolar Illness: An Entertaining Memoir with Simple Action Strategies for Every Stage of Recovery has been read by thousands on their own journey to recovery from Bipolar Disorder.

In this live webinar Michael can help you learn which kind of Omega supplement and what dosage will work for you, and which ones to avoid because they will make you feel worse instead of better. 

Most Importantly Michael will reveal the test to get a baseline of your Omega 3 levels that even your doctor doesn’t know about…

The FREE webinar will take place Sunday, July 25th at 2 PM EST
on Zoom.

Attendance is limited.

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